Country Evaluation and accreditation
Agencies Higher Education
General Law not including DA Specific for DA
Costa Rica

National Accreditation System for Higher Education (SINAES)

  • Law Nº 8256. Law on the National System to Accredit Higher Education (SINAES).
  • Law Nº 8798. Strengthening the National System to Accredit Higher Education (SINAES).

National Accreditation Board (JAN) Ministry of Higher Education of Cub

  • MES. University System of Accreditation Programs (SUPRA). Ministry Resolution No. 150/1999.
  • MES. Master’s Degree Evaluation and Accreditation System. Instruction No. 1/1999.
  • MES. National Accreditation Board. Ministry Resolution No. 100/2000.
  • MES. Regulations on quality standards for institutional evaluation. 2004.
  • Ministry Resolution No. 31/2005. Regulations for Institutional Evaluation.
El Salvador

Ministry of Education - Commission of Accreditation for Higher Education Quality  

Law of Higher Education. Decree No. 468. Official Gazette No. 216. Volume No. 365.




National Council of Universities (CNU)
National Council of Evaluation and Accreditation of the National Educational System (CNEA)

  • General Law No.  704 on the Evaluation and Accreditation System (2009)

National Council of University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama (CONEAUPA)

  • Law No. 30, enacted in 2006 by the National Assembly: Creating the National Evaluation and Accreditation System to Improve University Higher Education Quality.
  • Foundation of the University Evaluation and Accreditation Model of Panama and the University Institutional Self-Assessment Process. (Resolution 1 of 1st December 2010, amended by Resolution 1 of 25 March 2011)
República Dominicana

Vice-Ministry to Evaluate and Accredit Higher Education Institutions.

  • Law 139-01 on Higher Education, Science and Technology. 2013
  • Regulations for Institutions of Higher Education in the Dominican Republic. Decree N° 463-04