Country Higher Education
Agencies Higher Education
General Law not including DA Specific for DA

National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU)

  • Law 24,521: Law of Higher Education
  • Decree 173/96 – Regulations on the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU).
  • CONEAU Ordinance Nº 058/11 – Approving procedures and guidelines for accrediting post-graduate studies.

Vice Ministry of Higher Education for Professional Training
Nacional Higher Education Accreditation Council (CONAES)

  • Law Nº 3009, 24 May 2005.

Anisio Teixeira National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP)
Ministry of Education of Brazil (MEC) - Secretariat of Higher Education (SESU)

  • Law nº 10,861 of 14 April 2004 – Creates the National System to Evaluate Higher Education (SINAES).
  • Decree n° 5,773/2006 – How to exercise the functions of regulation, supervision and evaluation of higher education institutions and higher-level courses with diplomas and sequential courses in the federal education system.
  • Decree 6303/2007: Alters provisions of Decrees No. 5,622, of 19 December 2005, which sets guidelines and foundation for national education and 5,773, of 9 May 2006, about exercising the functions of regulation, supervision, and evaluation of higher education institutions and higher courses leading to diplomas and sequential courses in the federal education system.

Quality benchmarks for distance education


National Accreditation Council (CNA)

Higher Education Quality Assurance Law N° 20,129. October 2006


National Accreditation Council (CNA)

  • Law 1188 of 2008: Regulating registration of qualifying higher education programs and issuing other provisions.
  • New Guidelines for Institutional Accreditation. 2015
  • Resolution 02 of 2011: Setting criteria for accrediting higher education academic institutions and programs.
  • Resolution 03 of 2014: Approving guidelines for institutional accreditation.

Council for Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (CEAACES)

  • Regulations for self-assessment of institutions, degree pensums and programs of the Higher Education System. Resolution No. 110-CEAACES-SO-13-2014.
  • Regulations to Evaluate, Accredit and Categorize Higher Education Institutions’ Degree Programs. Resolution No. 104-CEAACES-SO-12-2014.

National Agency for Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation (ANEAES)

  • Law to Create the National Accreditation Agency (2003)

National Superintendence of University Higher Education (SUNEDU)
National System to Evaluate, Accredit, and Certify Educational Quality (SINEACE)

  • Law N° 30220, University Law. 2014
  • Law N° 28740 on the National System to Evaluate, Accredit, and Certify Educational Quality.
  • Policy on Assuring University Higher Education Quality. Supreme Decree N° 016-2015-MINEDU

Ministry of Education and Culture


Committee to Evaluate and Accredit Higher Education Programs and Institutions (CEAPIES)
Ministry of the People’s Power for University Education