The Latin American and Caribbean Institute of Quality in Distance Higher Education (CALED), in order to contribute to improving quality Distance Higher Education teaching, puts for your consideration the “Evaluation guidelines for continuous education virtual courses”.




1. Introduction

2. Certification of Quality - CALED

3. Self-Evaluation Model for Virtual Courses

- Roll out of Risk Assessment Model
- Structure of the Model
- Structure of the Model

4. Methodology
- Organization and Structuring of Self Evaluation Teams
- Self Evaluation Model Analysis
- Strategy of Organization and Execution of the Process

5. Self Evaluation Registry

- Structure
- Self Evaluation Registry Completion

6. Final Report

7. Glossary

8. Bibliography


¿How to acquire the guide?

The "Evaluation guidelines for continuous education virtual courses", It can be acquired in digital or printed form; To do this, you must make a request and send it to the following address: